Friday 30 December 2011


It is been more than a week and I am unable to dream of anything. I just sleep with a thank you pray and wake up looking forward for a nice day. Met an old friend the other day, he landed up asking me, “So what are you dreaming of these days?”. I gave him a strange look and felt sorry for him, because for the first time he had nothing to hear from me. I was shocked myself and yes I don’t know why I can’t dream of anything these days. Are my dreams shattered? Am I ready for some new dream? Do I believe in my dreams? Are dreams something that is fake, something that just keeps you happy? He was tensed looking at me and pleaded to dream for something new. I really don’t know how a dream feels like; I really have none at least for now. But I know that I am gonna learn to dream again, will believe in my dreams. No matter if the world laughs at my crazy dreams, no matter if no stands by me to support it, no matter if no one wants to dream along with me. I am going to dream again. But when your dreams become goals they are worth it, I was just fooling you. I have dreams and I am turning them into goals, when you dream hoping that someone will walk along, you are fooling yourself. When you dream for others/ of others, you are the most idiotic person on earth. Just write down your goals in life and work towards it, your dreams will follow. Believe me there will be a day when all your dreams will come true and your goals will help you fulfill your dreams. When your goals are right, your dreams are right. Dreams are desires, it is irrational at times. Goals are rational and thus they help you balance your life in a beautiful way. So buddy I don’t dream these days, I just work towards my goal. Dreams are feelings and they happen at the right time, so don’t waste your time with a foolish dream. Target your goals and move on with life. Be happy J

The fish here is trying to breathe, but when it knows that it is hard to breathe, it has to move out of this fish pond and find a fresh water where breathing is easy. Don't be like this fish. Swim through rough waters and find your ocean. And you will love yourself till the end. Dream big and work towards your goal and all your dreams will come true. Everyone has a right to think for themeselevs, so plan your dream and see you in the ocean.

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