Thursday 15 December 2011


I just want to ask why this Kolavari Di ??? Life is all about being senseless. Most of the times we make too much sense with our lives. At times we should just let go and enjoy songs like Kolavari di. Why do i appreciate such a song? I call this creativity. We have lost the sense of creativity in our lives. I remeber many laughing at me for the sad jokes I cracked. I guess they laughed because they could never crack one. Now thats attitude, those who matter won't mind and those who mind, I am sure they don't matter to me. Life is all about bringing the best in us. My association with the south culture puts me in favour of this song. I love the rythm of this song and it just makes me dance the so called "Machi style", a typical chennai term. Choreographing this song is another novelty for me. The fact that many Indians are singing this song in their regional language is itself an achievement of this song. I have a connection to such songs because I too compose  such songs and sing to myself. Never thought they can be worth. The song has it's own charm and it will please only those who are happy and crazy.  Working each day for the society and the upliftment of the poor, I keep questioning our sense of humanity. What we actually think and believe as humans , as Indians. It is interesting to hear debates on poverty and economy. The articles on exclusion and inclusion are controversial. And when i come back home, I just play this senseless song and ask the whole world..... Why this Kolavari Di? And I have no one who can answer my question. I guess the day someone knows what is Kolavari, probably that day i will complete my thesis on " Culture of Humanity".


  1. i have been privy to some of your self-composed numbers...and they were lovely to hear to! we could air them on Mad FM!;-D!

  2. Haha!! Rads yeah we should air them on mad Fm. Seriously need to get back to composing the wackiest songs ever. Well i have not forgotten the ones i composed...Cross your fingers, composing soon... tell Bhatta..about it... he will freak out
